warmlove's Diaryland Diary


Tarot Ta-me

*My psychic said she had an ass like Serena/ Jennifer Lopez/ Four kids/ On his Eighteenth Birthday found out he wasn't his?*

SO last night I had a job as a (fake) Tarot Card reader at Panacea - a really expensive Footballer's-type club I work at with Remmel from time-to-time. I had lovely ghostly Day-of-the Dead Make-up on and a really nice old-fashioned Gypsy outfit with skirts and a crocheted blouse, waistcoat and bejewelled headwear.

So I sit down, as the manager was going to give me a quick intro talk about the cards and a woman, with big, moon eyes comes over and asks if I read palms. I say that I have tarot cards and she sits down and I give her a blag card reading...at the end I come clean about my lack of credentials but she says that I might be a bit psychic and that she runs a business of Psychic readings!!! What are the odds that she's the first person I get!!!!! She asks me if I believe in ...a phrase I have forgotten....like True Match or something? She says that she picks up that I have two men in my life and one is far away and he is my soul mate, who doesn't always treat me well but that it doesn't mean he does't care, he really does, and that is who I'll end up with. She gave me my card, took my phone number (haha) should I want to get in touch for a reading. She said she liked my aura!

Then, about an hour later a very intense girl with ice blue eyes grabs my arm and whispers in my ear, loudly (if tests possible) I am Romany Gypsy...and I jut froze, waiting for the onslaught of "How dare you mock my culture and beliefs! This is disgusting!!!" But no she offered to read my cards. Aside from Family Cancer stuff and painful struggle in the future she saw a love who I was terrified would hurt me (true to all no?) a nice Tarot card with a heart being stabbed by many swords illustrated this! A terrible moment, tho, when she asked me to read hers and I started to blag it but then just turned it round and asked her what she thought the card read 'I can see that you have no confidence' she said.
I'm still kicking myself that I refused "in character' I suppose, the crumpled £20 that was shoved into my hand by no doubt a millionaire to read his cards. D'oh! Might have been bad karma tho!!!!! x

9:57 a.m. - 2017-10-29


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