warmlove's Diaryland Diary


I'm so Hollywood and living in a shite-hole

Just got back from filming an ickle film near Bath and Frome for two days. I got frostbite in my toes but they gave me a bed to sleep in which I thought was sweet.I so reckon now that I could direct my own film...a non shitty one unlike the last 4 i 'Directed' a couple of years ago...

Got back after almost missing the train (I jumped over a chainlink fence and my jean leg got caught on the edge I'll have you know.

Got back and realised that I'd left my room in a complete shit hole ...couldn't even see the carpet and my big chair was half pink spray-painted...leaflets and clean and dirty clothes everywhere...yuk..

Worked Saturday night...which I half hate, half love...Got dropped off home at about 2...my sister's 17th birthday party was still in full swing...bloody pissed 16 year olds lying around everywhere...though my sisters, bless 'em had the best drinking stamina out of anyone ...I walk up the stairs and Vicky was there swinging on a litre of Red Square, sorting out where everyone was going to be sleeping. One of their friends was in my room and was hiding out from some boy at the party who she'd done stuff with and then really regretted it...I felt really bad for her, she was really upset..Can you believe it though, my Mum was home for the party and she was mingling and then helping people who were throwing up and stuff.

But the thing that pissed me off majorly was when I went up to go to bed....some little fucker had STOLEN MY DUVET!! ooo, I was mad..


#Let me see y'all 1-2 step/Love it when y'all 1-2 step# woo!

4:40 p.m. - 2006-01-6


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